Twenty-six Measures to Promote the High-quality Development of the Industries in BMC Part II

Source:Foreign Affairs Office 2024-08-08

Technology Development to Accelerate Industrial Innovation

(7)Foster innovation through research and development. 

Enterprises will be encouraged to in⁃crease R&D investment continuously in accordance with national strategic needs, high-quality development requirements, and industry trends. Efforts will be made to strengthen the construction of R&D institutions and headquarters. Based on the level of R&D investment, support of up to 3 million yuan will be provided annually. Collaboration between enterprises, universities, and research institutes will be promoted to form innovative alliances, facilitating technological breakthroughs and outcome commercialization. Up to 5 million yuan of support will be granted based on the performance of outcome and achievements. 

(8)Foster innovation through digital intelligence. 

Efforts will be made to vigorously promote the transformation of enterprises towards intelligent and digital upgrading. Up to 3 million yuan in support will be granted to enterprises that receive titles such as “Lighthouse Factory,” “National Intelligent Manufacturing Benchmark Enterprise,” “Smart Factory in Beijing,” and “Digital Workshop”.

(9)Foster innovation through platforms. 

The position of enterprises as the main drivers of technological innovation will be strengthened, and support will be provided to eligible backbone enterprises to collaborate with universities, research institutions, and upstream and downstream enterprises. Highlevel innovation platforms such as key laboratories, technology innovation centers, engineering research centers, industrial innovation centers, and enterprise technology centers shall be established. Up to 5 million yuan in support will be granted to enterprises that receive national or municipal-level recognition for the first time. 

(10)Foster innovation through introduction. 

The system for identifying, nurturing, and supporting potential enterprises with specialized and innovative capabilities will be further improved, guiding and facilitating bidirectional efforts for attraction and introduction. Up to 3 million yuan in support will be provided for newly recognized or relocated national-level specialized, innovative and little giant enterprises, national manufacturing industry champions, champions in specific manufacturing categories, and Beijing’s specialized and innovative enterprises.

(11)Foster innovation through green initiatives. 

Efforts will be concentrated on increasing the “green content” of industrial development, fully promoting the green transformation of enterprises. Up to 3 million yuan in support will be provided for industries engaged in creating green factories or supply chains, carrying out green transformation and upgrading, utilizing distributed photovoltaic energy as a substitute for fossil fuels, conducting carbon neutrality certification, or adopting non-transactional measures to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.